Somalia Non-State Actors (SONSA) welcomes the international partners’ efforts to support Somalia and build strong and effective democratic system in the country.
As we are closely following and keeping an eye on the current on goings of Somalia Partnership Forum in Brussels, Belgium, we wish to come out of the meeting with fruitful and valuable obligations and decisions for implementing peace and security in Somalia which is imperative for people of Somalia.
The leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member States, and the International development partners are encouraged to consolidate their efforts to bear fruitful outcomes from the Brussels Forum focused on peace and security in Somalia as the transitional agenda in which AMISOM will transfer security responsibility to the Somalia national army in 2020 is on course. We are looking forward to a peaceful transition.
In Somalia, civil society organizations face numerous challenges participating in peace building processes, delivering tangible outcomes to influence government and donor policies as volunteer representatives of the people. They play and still play a key role participation in rebuilding the nation in close collaboration with the federal and state governments. The CSOs should be given enough space to participate in their role of engagement with the stakeholders for peace-building and democratization processes and to advance the citizens agenda and rights of inclusivity.
Somalia Federal Government and the Federal Member States should improve their intergovernmental relations by honoring and respecting the laid out national regulations and procedures. The Constitutional Review Process should be expedited and completed on schedule prior to the country democratic elections slotted for 2021.
Finally, we are grateful and extend our gratitude to the Somalia International development partners for their continued efforts and support to enhance a peaceful, prosperous and democratic nation in the horn of Africa, and with all due respects to the Brussels gathering to express their commitment in taking drastic measures in state peace building and supporting of effective government institutions.
Ali Mohamed Yusuf
SONSA Deputy Chairman
Somalia Non state actors – SONSA
Somalia Non-State Actors (SONSA)
Communication & Public relation Office
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